Friday, November 2, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Alchemist Journal #3
Alchemist Journal #3
Language Arts
“The secret is here in the present. IF you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And if you improve upon the present, what comes later will also be better.... Each day, in itself, brings with it an Eternity.” (Pg. 104)
I think what they are trying to touch up on the Karma effect. What goes around comes around. Like when santiago started working in the crystal shop and started cleaning glasses and crystals. He was hoping that since he was doing a good deed, good things would happen to him.
I think what happened at the port when Santiago got r robbed ,that was an act of karma also. He sold his sheep, and even though it was to fulfill his personal legend, it still happened. When the king said, “When you want something, the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” (Pg. 22) The universe definitely conspired against him and he got robbed. It may be that all things are one, but it seems that the universe and karma are on different terms or have different thoughts on some things and working together.
Also, some bad karma could be like hypocrisy, just without you even realizing it or doing it on accident. Like if you were to say to someone, don’t break your arm on those monkey bars, and then you turn around, trip, and end up breaking your arm, BAM, karma just gotcha.
Alchemist Journal #2
Alchemist Journal #2
Finn Clark
Language Arts
I Would think roles of luck and coincidence play in universal language is the same way as it plays in Santiago’s life. Santiago’s has begun as a shepherd, and on his way to a city he met the king, luck and coincidence. The king helped Santiago find out his personal legend, it was the thing about his dream. Then the king showed him the way to his personal legend. On the caravan to the place where his treasure was, he met an Englishman who told him about the book and the alchemist. When they arrive at the oasis he meets Fatima and falls in love, luck and coincidence. When he’s out in the desert and sees the hawks, he has a vision, luck and coincidence. Luck and coincidence play a very big role in Santiago’s life, and even, some in mine.
When I was 8, I had just moved to California. I, of course after playing soccer in Maryland, began playing soccer in Humboldt. I was on a team called the green Hornets, considering our color was green.
Now Garrett Adamo had just moved to Humboldt from Alabama and decided to play soccer, he was put on a team called the green Hornets.
- Our team was the best team in the league, we won every game. Me and Garrett had began to talk and became good friends. I didn’t know it, but my mom had started talking to his mom, sue, and they had become friends before me and Garrett did. Now, five years later, Garrett and me are best friends, we haven’t fought once. I think him and myself are going to be friends for a long time, I would call that luck and coincidence, we both moved, went on the same team, and became best friends.
Alchemist Journal #1
Journal #1
Finn Clark
Language Arts
My drops of oil, I would think is my family. I could be off, later in life, doing something somewhere else, and I would never forget my family, like the wise man had said in the Alchemist, “Enjoy the marvels of the world, but never forget your drops of oil”. My family is my oil in the spoon while I’m enjoying my life around the world and back to where I live, so I don’t forget my drops of oil. They are my roots and I could never grow tall and strong without the comfort and safety I recieve from them.
I could never spill my drops of oil without something to catch them and put them back on my spoon, so I couldn’t ever lose or spill or forget my drops of oil on my spoon. My spoon contains my memory, my oil contains my family, with both of them in or on each other, it’s impossible for me to ever spill it.
If I spilt my oil, I would be ashamed for forgetting such important dates and memories that they have brought me or are bringing and some that are to come in my future and in theirs. I will do my best to never ever forget my drops of oil in my spoon and do my best to remind them to keep an eye on theirs so we don’t ever forget each other, I hope that in the years to come it will stay like this and until the end of time so that way it is best for everyone that may or may not be in my family, but in others as well.
This book is a very well made book for making others and myself realize things we have not before. The deeper messages are very well written and it takes some digging to uncover them but it’s all worth it in the end.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
This weeks assignments
I did the daily news quiz and got 4 out of 6 right, I also did the crossword puzzle for Thanksgiving and it was pretty fun, although it was confusing at some points because the person who made it used different meanings for words that I didn't even know existed. Like shy=coy, confused states=mixups, well not that one but it was confusing.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Trash Q & A
1. Her example of money was it was like water, those who afford it drink deep, those who can't shrivel and die of thirst. There can be love and compassion and secrets but money is more important.
2. The most anti-Zapanta article I think is the one where at the top it says University Voice and the reason I think this is because it says "Five years ago" she said, "Zapanta campaigned on the slogan, The brightest smile and sharpest mind. I'd like to add to that, The most questionable conscience and blackest heart. He's spent almost three decades lining his pockets, and his main achievement is that he's made this country's poor feel worthless and powerless. The most pro-Zapanta is the one that at the top says Star Extra and I think this because it says "Request for details are firmly declined 'We are at a sensitive stage. We are talking to people who have to stay anonymous. All we can say is that we are confident that a breakthrough is imminent.' "
3. Well I would think that he would because it's is dark and there are people all around and any of them could be a police and there are candles everywhere and I think that it is not fair that they had separated the cemetery between rich and poor and that the poor peoples graves are stack on top of each other in boxes, it just isn't right.
2. The most anti-Zapanta article I think is the one where at the top it says University Voice and the reason I think this is because it says "Five years ago" she said, "Zapanta campaigned on the slogan, The brightest smile and sharpest mind. I'd like to add to that, The most questionable conscience and blackest heart. He's spent almost three decades lining his pockets, and his main achievement is that he's made this country's poor feel worthless and powerless. The most pro-Zapanta is the one that at the top says Star Extra and I think this because it says "Request for details are firmly declined 'We are at a sensitive stage. We are talking to people who have to stay anonymous. All we can say is that we are confident that a breakthrough is imminent.' "
3. Well I would think that he would because it's is dark and there are people all around and any of them could be a police and there are candles everywhere and I think that it is not fair that they had separated the cemetery between rich and poor and that the poor peoples graves are stack on top of each other in boxes, it just isn't right.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Trash Questions ll
1. She was saying that money is like water, if u don't have some, you shrivel up and die. She was saying that money is dripping. Those who can afford it drink deep, if you can't you die. The drought is like Behala, thirsty people everywhere waiting for the little bit of money so they can take sips of the precious water
I Found Money
I Found Money
I work at a dump
I found a bag with money
The Police chase me and beat me
I want to unlock the mystery
We are only children
He stole from the Vice President
With a broken fridge
They did things to him that would make me fringe
And now I ask the people
How are we going to make it?
I found a bag with money
The Police chase me and beat me
I want to unlock the mystery
We are only children
He stole from the Vice President
With a broken fridge
They did things to him that would make me fringe
And now I ask the people
How are we going to make it?
Friday, January 27, 2012
TRASH questions
1. The conditions in the prison: it is very hot according to Olivia and in the prison there are not cells, there are cages like an animal would be in. Stacked three high with a ladder on the side of it. There were stairs to the lower levels that Olivia thought would be more cages with more people. Gardo said that kids would do anything for money, food, and other things. They would fight, steal, and even kill for money or food or clothing.
2. They went into the prison and waited in the waiting room until a man that seemed very nice came and talked saying that to get in it would be about 10,000 pesos to get into the prison, or where they wanted to go, the hospital. The man came back with a piece of paper that Olivia had to sign and then gave them the money to get in and they walked through the prison to the hospital and talked to Olondiz, Who was very sick.
3. Raphael had learned that Rat had been saving up to buy a boat to go back where he lived originally. It was on an island but he wouldn't go onto the island he would stay on the boat and fish all day so he had and infinite amount of food. Rat owns about 20,000 pesos and a boat costs 50,000.
4. The gardener had told Raphael and Rat the way Jose Angelico had taken the 6 million dollars, he did it with a broken refrigerator, he put the 6 million dollars in it and when they were moving out he begged if he could have the fridge and then payed 2000 to the V.P. for it and got inside the truck and when they stopped he hopped out with the 6 million dollars.
5. Buy a larger house and and keep the leftover money to keep it and get a job as a Doctor or some other high paying job to support keeping the house and live like that.
2. They went into the prison and waited in the waiting room until a man that seemed very nice came and talked saying that to get in it would be about 10,000 pesos to get into the prison, or where they wanted to go, the hospital. The man came back with a piece of paper that Olivia had to sign and then gave them the money to get in and they walked through the prison to the hospital and talked to Olondiz, Who was very sick.
3. Raphael had learned that Rat had been saving up to buy a boat to go back where he lived originally. It was on an island but he wouldn't go onto the island he would stay on the boat and fish all day so he had and infinite amount of food. Rat owns about 20,000 pesos and a boat costs 50,000.
4. The gardener had told Raphael and Rat the way Jose Angelico had taken the 6 million dollars, he did it with a broken refrigerator, he put the 6 million dollars in it and when they were moving out he begged if he could have the fridge and then payed 2000 to the V.P. for it and got inside the truck and when they stopped he hopped out with the 6 million dollars.
5. Buy a larger house and and keep the leftover money to keep it and get a job as a Doctor or some other high paying job to support keeping the house and live like that.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Writers Block
In the movie Stranger than Fiction there is an author that is having writers block trying to find a way to kill her main character Harold Crick played by Will Farrell. Writers block is when an author is writing a book or poem, and they stop, and can’t think of what to write. It can stop them for months even years from finishing the book. In this essay I will be showing ways of how to cure writers block. Others have made books or movies or even songs about writers block.
There are different kinds of writers block, there’s pressure, or serious block from life or career of the writer. They may also relate to illness, depression, or the end of a relationship of the writer. Some types of pressure they might experience is the big success of a book and the pressure to do well. They feel that it’s there duty to make another great book for the world and they can’t think of what to write. They may also run out of inspiration and feeling for the book then stop, and start writing random stuff that has nothing to do with the book or poem that they are writing. They may also do this until an idea comes up into their mind.
Some other things a writer might do during writers block is relax and try to think of an idea about the book or character that might affect the meaning or the book or main idea of it. If the writer comes up with an idea that is the base of the book and they have writers block, then come up with an idea that is entirely different than the base idea, it may ruin the book, well for the reader. For the reader it may not make sense and confuse him/ her to come completely off subject and talk about something going on in the characters life.They may stop during writers block and do something completely different such as driving to a friends house and talk about the book or to a local market or store to clear their mind and wait. They might do other physical activities such as running, going to the local gym and work out, swim, anything that can be used to give them an idea. They can also sleep in hope of having a dream that could help them with a book. They also might seek help from a phsyscologist to help them think of why they are having writers block and how they may stop it.
In the movie Stranger Than Fiction what the author did was imagine different scenarios in which could kill her main character Harold Crick. Other authors might do the same things except they might imagine problems and what would happen for the character and what would the outcome be. There are two types of ways a book may end, a tragedy in which the character dies, like Shakespeare had written about Romeo and Juliet in which they both died in the end, or a comedy in which the main character gets married to the other character he or she had an eye on, or something good happens and he lives happy and death-free.
Writers and artists like Alan Wake had experienced writers block that nearly ended his marriage and stopped the book for two years. The rapper Eminem experienced writers block while writing the lyrics to “Talking to Myself” which he mentions in the song. In Stephan Kings “Secret Window, Secret Garden” the main character is going through divorce as a result of writers block. Musician Gwen Stafani had experienced writers block, which then turned into her first single named “What are you Waiting for?”
As you can see their are many ways other people may cure writers block and a lot of people have experienced it and either mentioned it in their book or interview, and others had mentioned it in their song or other ways. Like I said it is annoying and can bug you, but after reading this I hope you know some ways to cure it.
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