Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ender's Game Anticipation Guide

Lying is justifiable if it's for the greater good.

I rated this a 2 because I can't really agree on this subject, lying always leaves someone hurt and if it's for the greater good and you get caught, then the person or persons don't trust you anymore than they already did. Although sometimes lying is for the greater good like to protect somebody or save someones life, then I would understand.

Sometimes violence is the only way to solve a problem.

I rated this a 3 because I kind of agree on this, if it's about a stupid subject, like fighting over a toy or something, then the best way to go about it is to talk, but if there is a terrorist who's threatening to blow up something, then maybe violence is the way to get the answer. That isn't true all the time though, usually talking is the way to go.

It's okay to kill someone in self-defense.

Only if they are attacking to kill you. If they are shooting and attacking you, then I would think, I have to kill this guy, but if you think you will survive, like if someone punches you, then I, or someone else, wouldn't kill them. So I kind of, not really agree, so I rated it a 2.

Words are stronger than fists.

Sometimes, not all the time. Words can definitely harm and hurt someones feelings, but they can't kill you. Punches can kill you if the person is being punched enough, but if you shout hate at someone, it's not going to kill them, it's just going to make them feel bad and lower their self esteem.

Bullies hurt others because they have low self esteem. 

Once again, not all the time, maybe they hurt others because they are having family problems, or home life is tough, but it still isn't right to hurt others regardless. They might hurt others because they have low self esteem, but I don't see how they would channel something that makes them sad, into anger to other people, and then they hurt people, but I still don't see how.

Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become a nation's leaders.

I strongly disagree on this passage, not only because the brightest students get better education, but even slow kids could get a great education and go on to become a nations leader with the right education. They still have a chance, and because they are slow doesn't mean anything, it just means they are different, not that they don't have a chance at the best education. The brightest students don't always want to become a nation's leader, maybe they want to become a scientist, or whatever they want. They shouldn't be forced to do something they don't want to do.

Revenge is never justified.

Well it depends on how you define revenge. If someone punches you and your revenge is to kill them, that is kind of too far, but if revenge is, like, you hitting an ice cream out of their hands, then your revenge is justified, or if you have a peace treaty or something along those lines.

Crying is evidence of weakness.

No, it is a sign of you being yourself or being human. Crying is an emotion, not a weakness. People who cry are just showing how they are human. Even if it would be out of fear. It still is an emotion.

Any action is acceptable in war.

I think only a complete pyromaniac would think this. I mean, there is such thing as being to much on the offensive side. If you put others that you know or they are on your team in danger, then that is an unacceptable action that I would think is frowned upon during a war or fight. 

Teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control themselves.

I disagree with this because what if the teenager can control themselves? Then what? Do you still discipline them and reprimand them? I would understand this if the teenager has certain issues or anger management. Then I would understand that you would want certain rules and disciplinary actions toward the teenager, but not just to make up rules and boss them around. 

Only though personal sacrifice can someone create positive change.

You can create positive change from doing positive things, not from personal sacrifice. Maybe you could create positive change through personal sacrifice but I'm just saying not all the time. 

Generating compassion for your enemies is the only way to create peace.

 Nope, you can create peace with your enemies by not attacking them and trying to see things through with them. You could do something that can benefit both of you, not just one. I could see how creating compassion for your enemies is ONE way to create peace with your enemies but it's not the only way to. 

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